Give Hope to

Mental Wellbeing

What’s the story?


The coronavirus pandemic has caused exceptionally challenging times for all of us. The effects of social distancing, isolation, school closures and unemployment have taken a huge toll on our mental health and wellbeing; and will continue to have lasting effects long after lockdown is over. 

As lockdown eases, the challenges will not decrease, but the Church is well placed to step up and respond, offering people a hope for the future. 

Kintsugi Hope, Sanctuary and Renew Wellbeing have been equipping churches across the country to support people in practical, spiritual and emotional ways. This has included mental wellbeing groups, wellbeing spaces and a range of resources for churches to access. 

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people struggle with their mental health

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felt anxious or worried at some point during the pandemic

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increase in churches partnering with Christian mental health charities during covid-19

 If you or someone you know is struggling, find out where to get help here.

 Stories of the church in action


Sanctuary Mental Health and the local church


How can I get involved and Give Hope?


Stand with local churches through prayer.

Transforming our communities with the hope of Jesus begins with prayer. Join Christians across the country in praying for local churches to give the hope of Jesus in the midst of crisis


Put hope into action.

Whether it’s volunteering at your church’s foodbank or starting your own social action project, you can play your part in giving hope to your community through practical support.


Give the gift of hope.

Your generosity will help the local church projects featured each week bringing vital help to communities across the UK during the pandemic.