Give Hope to

Vulnerable Children

What’s the story?


The Covid-19 Pandemic has had an enormous impact on the safety, wellbeing and future of children across the UK. The Church has been doing incredible work to support vulnerable children throughout the crisis and we celebrate this. However, the need has dramatically increased and the Church is well placed to meet that need

Safe Families are ensuring that wherever possible, vulnerable families are being supported to stay together. Home for Good is working to ensure children who do come into care have the safe and stable home they need.


children will come into care this year


a child will come into care


foster families are urgently needed

 Stories of the church in action


How can I get involved and Give Hope?


Stand with local churches through prayer.

Transforming our communities with the hope of Jesus begins with prayer. Join Christians across the country in praying for local churches to give the hope of Jesus in the midst of crisis


Put hope into action.

Whether it’s volunteering at your church’s foodbank or starting your own social action project, you can play your part in giving hope to your community through practical support.


Give the gift of hope.

Your generosity will help the local church projects featured each week bringing vital help to communities across the UK during the pandemic.

Church leaders on supporting Vulnerable Children