Our Online Programme

This week’s programme:


Growing good; growth, social action and discipleship in the Church of England

Webinar with Hannah Rich the author of this influential recent report for Theos and the Church Urban Fund which shows how social action can lead to congregations growing numerically and spiritually.

Monday 1 February | 11am

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Covid cash recovery

Want to help make a difference in your local community in this time of crisis? This pioneering course is available for free to individuals and community organisations to help them deliver vital information on Universal Credit, Mortgage and credit changes remotely to individuals in their community.

Wednesday 3 February | 1.30pm

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Renewed call to persevere in prayer for our health service

Interview with Lou Adams, the Matron of an A&E Department at a major teaching hospital. She shares some of her recent experiences and the power of prayer in the midst of incredible strain and difficulty.

Watch the interview

The rise of Christian populism

An essay that looks at the ways in which Christianity is used and abused by populist and nationalist campaigners.

Read the article

Salvation Army joins COVID-19 vaccination drive

Encouraging news item on how the Salvation Army is helping the vaccine drive.

Read the article